"We are a small start-up with limited IT knowledge. How do I know what is best for our company?"

As a small, emerging company, you are constantly developing and growing. This increases the likelihood that you will eventually outgrow your IT environment and no longer be able to use it optimally. What you really need is an expert who can look at your situation and understand what your company needs, not only now but also in the future.

It is crucial for every business to remain flexible in terms of IT. Additionally, securing data and sensitive information must be top-notch. You might still be storing certain data in an Excel file, and that might be working fine for now. However, as you need to store more and more data in the future, this will become increasingly difficult. But how should you address this, and where can you find the necessary knowledge and expertise?

Oriole IT can manage your IT coordination, eliminating the need for you to hire an in-house IT specialist. We act as the external IT department for your company, handling all questions related to IT, software, and hardware. We provide you with advice and are available whenever you need us. Additionally, all the specialists at Oriole IT are at your service, from coders to business consultants.